How to Enroll
2025-2026 School Year

Thank you for your interest in Johns Creek Baptist Church Preschool! We would love for your child to become part of our program! We will fill classes on a first come, first serve basis.

New families interested in registering for the 2025-2026 school year should schedule a tour or attend one of our Open Houses in January and then register on Monday, February 3rd at 10:30am on the parent portal. If the Friday Open House dates don’t work for you, please email Ansley Hall ( to schdule a tour.

You can create a parent portal account before February 3rd, then all new accounts will be approved at 10:30am on Febraury 3rd. Once your account is approved you will log in and click on 2025-2026 Classes. Then, find the class you would like to register for.

All children will be placed in awaiting placement. You will receive an email shortly letting you know if your child is enrolled. If your child is enrolled the registration and supply fee will be due. Your child's spot is not secured until the registration and supply fee is paid. If your first choice class is full, join the waitlist and sign up for your second choice class. If a spot opens up in your first choice class before August we will send you an email and you can change classes at that time. We will do our very best to find a spot for your child at JCBC Preschool!

Click the link below to set up an account and
register for the 2025-2026 school year!

Please enter information for the primary parent first, then you will enter your child's information next.